
Misora Ooka
Policy Management 2nd Year
Research Topic
Intercultural communication in Brand Marketing/Advertising

hot yoga, cafe hunting

Ami Tsubota
Policy Management Third Year
Research Topic
Intercultural interactions and it’s influences on identity
Traveling, tennis, finding delicious places to eat
Wakana Matsunami
Environment and Information studies 3th year
Research Topic

English/Multicultural education in Japan


Watching movies, F1 races

Riyo Robinson
Policy Management 1st Year
Research Topic

Education to make Intercultural Society a Reality 


 singing and exploring cities 

Minami Simojima
Environment and Information studies 3th year
Research Topic

Identity and acclimation of transnational adults


eating delicious food, cooking and baking, taking my dog for a walk, exploring cafes

Hatsuho Kimura
Graduate School of Media and Governance M2
Research Topic

Discuss about diversity and multiculturalism through English language teaching


History & giography research, visiting abandoned places, discovering new things I don’t know, sports

徐子惠 / Xu Zihui
Graduate School of Media and Governance M2
Research topic

Multilingualism/Intercultural Communication-The influence of multilingual phenomenon on international students-the application of Multilingual Environment in college education system.


eading, Johnny’s idol, Riichi Mahjong

Previously enrolled students

Ayana Yanai
Environment and Information studies 4th year
Research Topic

Formation of Cultural Stereotypes, Hegemony


Listening to Kpop, Meditation, Hanging out with friends

Sumie Shu
Graduate School of Media and GovernanceFaculty of Environment and Information Studies 4th Year
Research Topic

Returnees in Japan


Loves food, traveling, photography